We are the Step before IVF.
Florida's only holistic MD/ND fertility team.
Most women don’t need IVF but don’t know it.
We are the Step before IVF.
Florida's only holistic MD/ND fertility team. Most women don’t need IVF but don’t know it.
We Believe
Fertility care should be compassionate, empowering, and individualized.
Couples deserve choices and guidance to understand the gentlest most effective fertility therapies.
“Unexplained Infertility” is rarely a valid diagnosis and just means nobody has dug deep enough to find answers.
Collaboration between natural healthcare practitioners and licensed physicians is best for everyone.

Interested in holistic fertility?
Here's the next step.
We’re so glad you’re here.
Bliss Fertility Center is located in the beautiful Old Northwood historic district in West Palm Beach and is surrounded by a sea of fertility clinics.
But we’re not like all the rest.
We believe the accepted approach to fertility care is lacking. Couples are all too often made to feel dismissed, inadequate, and nobody spends the time to uncover the underlying cause of the fertility issue.
Our method is guided by an MD/ND team to bring you integrated and collaborative care in the gentlest and most effective way possible.
Come visit our community space and experience our PositiviTEA Bar, healing garden, and beautiful yoga & fitness space.
Who We Help
Our method is uniquely designed to serve couples who want a holistic approach to growing their families.
If you and your partner:
Are struggling to conceive
Have repeated pregnancy losses
Want to become pregnant at an older age
Have PCOS or another hormonal condition
Want to avoid the cost and risks of IUI/IVF
Refuse to accept a diagnosis of “unexplained infertility”
We can help.
Ways We Can Help
Bliss Fertility Clean Living Kit
A couples guide to toxin-free living for a healthy conception and pregnancy.
Unexplained Infertility Explained
Learn about the many possible causes of “unexplained infertility”.
Coming Soon
The Bliss Fertility Method
Our signature method to help couples who want a holistic approach to growing their families.
Our One-of-a-Kind Facility
Outdoor Gathering Space
Yoga & Fitness Studio
Comfy Group Space